Take a lunch break and get your varicose veins fixed at the same time. Gold Coast Private Hospital’s (GCPH) Vascular and Endovascular Surgeon Dr Venu Bhamidi respects that people are time poor, so he came up with a quick, effective procedure to sort unwanted veins.
From the moment the patient is diagnosed they are looked after for by an experienced breast care nurse who navigates the way from treatment schedules to expertise advice.
We recently spoke with our newly appointed Director of Nursing, Denise Hartley – who has over 25 years of clinical experience, working on the floor in most specialties right up into senior executive roles.
Bush fires and grass fires are an intrinsic part of Australia’s environment. Australia is prone to bushfires at any time of the year. Bushfires produce particulate -matter pollution. These particles are small enough to enter the human lung and cause significant respiratory diseases.
Clinical Psychologist Kerryn Blunt has written an informative blog to help progress the important conversations about perinatal mental health. If you are experiencing signs of PNDA, consult with your GP, obstetrician, midwife of other trusted healthcare professionals.
Having a baby has become more clinical over recent decades, but there is a growing trend to normalise birth and give women greater control over the experience. Empowerment is a key component of woman-centred care. Labour and birth are very personal and incorporate emotional and psychosocial factors alongside the physical aspect.
While for many women breastfeeding is an enjoyable and even wondrous time, some mothers may experience bumps along the way. One of the most common issues that can occur is a 'plugged duct'. A clogged duct can occur at any time during your breastfeeding journey, so it is important to recognise the factors that can lead to this issue and signs you should look out for.
During the first few weeks of breastfeeding, your body will naturally produce essential nourishing milk for your baby through three phases. Lactation Consultant Heather Lloyd discusses what these phases are and their identifying factors.

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