Every woman should feel safe & supported through individualised care using the best treatment methods available.
For this reason, we created the Gold Coast’s first dedicated Cervical Centre (previously known as the Colposcopy Clinic), headed by gynaecologist and colposcopist Dr Graeme Walker and supported by a highly trained specialist nurse colposcopist.
The Colposcopy Clinic
Gold Coast Private Hospital
Suite 15, Ground Floor
14 Hill Street, Southport
QLD 4215
Phone: 07 5530 0490
Fax: 07 5530 0686
More Information
For more information please visit www.thecervicalcentre.com.au
At Gold Coast Private Hospital, we believe every woman deserves to feel personally supported through the process of an abnormal cervical screening result, and be given access to the best treatment methods available.
It is important to understand that not every abnormal cervical screening result is cancer, but for the few that are, good treatment options are available.
Our goal is to deliver the highest quality clinical care in a calming environment, ensuring diagnosis and treatment, whether it is for benign conditions or cancer, is as smooth and stress-free as possible.
The Cervical Centre is headed by Dr Graeme Walker - a clinical specialist in the treatment of gynaecological pre-cancers, cancers and complex non-cancer gynaecological conditions. Together with his wife Hilary - a highly trained specialist nurse colposcopist, and the team at Gold Coast Private Hospital, we are dedicated to improving the quality of life for women with gynaecological conditions - from diagnosis, to treatment and recovery pathways, in a caring and supporting environment.
We understand this can be an anxious time for you and your loved-ones and you can often feel overwhelmed and frightened after receiving an abnormal cervical screening result. These feelings are normal.
It is important to remember that only a small number of women with an abnormal screening result are diagnosed with cervical cancer; and of those who are, many are cured of their disease.
Understanding your condition and how it will be treated is very important. Having this knowledge is empowering. Our specialists will address your anxieties at the outset and discuss the likely outcomes in an open and informative way.
Upon receiving an abnormal cervical screening test result you will be referred for further investigation, usually a LLETZ and/or colposcopy. At The Cervical Centre you will be seen within a week of your referral, but if you require a more urgent appointment, please let us know. Have your referral in hand and make your appointment by calling The Cervical Centre on 07 5530 0490.
Your consultation will be scheduled with enough time to discuss and explain your individualised treatment plan so that you and your loved-ones will be fully informed. We welcome your family and friends to be with you during your consultation if you feel this is would be helpful for you.
Please ask plenty of questions - we are here to help. If you do not understand any aspect of your condition or your treatment plan, don't be afraid to speak up. In most circumstances we can provide you with literature to reiterate what has been discussed. Some high-quality internet sites regarding gynaecological cancers can be found at www.nci.nih.gov, www.uptodate.com/patients, and www.gcsau.org.
A colposcopy (pronounced Kol-POS-Kuh-pee) is a method of examining the cervix, vagina and vulva with an electric microscope called a colposcope. Dr Walker and his specialist nurse colposcopist, Hilary, will be looking for any abnormalities within the cervix, vagina and vulva. This examination takes 10-20 minutes and requires no anaesthetic.
During your colposcopy, if your doctor spots any abnormal areas, he will take a tissue sample (biopsy). You will receive a local anaesthetic to the area. You may feel some pressure or slight cramping but the procedure is generally painless.
While most treatments can be performed in Dr Walker's rooms, in some cases, surgery may be necessary. If you require an operation, Dr Walker will discuss the minimally invasive surgical options available to you, including laparoscopic procedures.
The Cervical Centre is headed by Dr Graeme Walker – a clinical specialist in the treatment of gynaecological pre-cancers, cancers and complex non-cancer gynaecological conditions. Together with his wife Hilary – a highly trained specialist nurse colposcopist, and the team at Gold Coast Private Hospital, we are dedicated to improving the quality of life for women with gynaecological conditions – from diagnosis, to treatment and recovery pathways, in a caring and supporting environment.
Robyn Densley, our friendly receptionist is here to assist with any queries you may have prior to your appointment. If you feel that your appointment is urgent, please let us know.
Our private treatment room has been designed with your comfort in mind.