The journey of colostrum to mature breastmilk

By Heather Lloyd, Lactation Consultant

During the first few weeks of breastfeeding, your body will naturally produce essential nourishing milk for your baby through three phases. 

PHASE 1:  Colostrum (birth to 3-5 days)

During the first 24-hours, you’ll produce about 30mls of colostrum. This is:

  • A clear to golden colour fluid
  • Your baby’s first natural immunization
  • Continued natural protection even if your baby is born premature or unwell
  • High in fat soluble vitamins
  • Produced only in small amounts
  • Preparation for your baby’s digestion
  • High in growth factors
  • A laxative effect to speed up the passage of meconium (your baby’s first bowel movements)


PHASE 2 – Transitional Milk (3-5 days to 14 days)

As you start to produce more milk and transition from colostrum (you may hear this stage referenced as your milk “coming in”) you can expect to produce about 500ml of milk per day. This milk:

  • Is lighter in colour
  • Offers continued natural protection
  • Contains essential active enzymes and hormones
  • Changes in ingredients and amount from feed to feed

Note: The more often you feed your baby (or express), the more milk your breasts produces.


 PHASE THREE – Mature Milk (from about 14 days)

After the first two weeks of breast feeding, your milk will start to mature and you’ll produce more of it. Expect anywhere in between 500 – 1,200ml per day. This milk:

  • Varies in amounts of fat, in every feed
  • Meets ALL your baby’s nutritional needs for 6 months, and is important for optimal health, growth and development
  • Continues to provide nutrition and protection after you introduce other foods.
  • During weaning, becomes more like colostrum as the amount decreases

Note: the longer you breastfeed your baby, the greater the protection.


For more information about breastfeeding, contact our lactation consultants on 07 5530 0726.

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